App controlled vibrators provide a level of sexual satisfaction to both parties
App controlled vibrators provide a level of sexual satisfaction to both parties. The vibrator can be
controlled via the app and the user can choose exactly what they want. They can even change the speed or pattern of vibration during use, which means that they can have different sensations at different times. They can also choose how long they want the vibrations to last, which is ideal if you are using it in conjunction with another element like a dongle or toy.
The app also allows you to connect with other users and share your experiences, which is great if you are looking for advice on how to use the device or want some tips on what kind of toys or dildos work best with it! It also gives you access to fun features like games that help improve your focus as well as an option where you can create custom vibrations by adjusting each frequency individually so that no two experiences are ever quite alike!