When you're talking with your partner about sex, it can be hard to know how to start. You might feel like you have a lot of questions, but you don't know how to ask them. And even if you do know what you want to ask, it might seem like a weird thing to bring up!
The good news is that there are lots of ways to talk about sex—and most of them don't involve just blurting out every thought in your head. Here's how we recommend getting started:
Be open and honest. First things first: tell your partner that talking about sex is important to you and that you'd like to learn more about what they like. If they're not into it, then move on—but if they say yes, then here's where the fun begins!
Silicone sex toys will help.
Ask questions. One of the best ways to learn more about what turns your partner on is by asking questions—but don't just fire away without giving them time to respond! Try starting with something easy like "What do you think makes someone attractive?" or "What were some things that were awkward when you were growing up?" From there, let the conversation flow naturally; we're all different!